If you've read this blog, you know that I'm crazy about drones. I might have around 200 of them in my garage in various states of flight-readiness. However, that doesn't mean I'm done looking at them, and when something new comes out, my wife will confirm that I'm first in line to pick it up and try to crash it. I mean not crash it. Well, Parrot released their MiniDrone Rolling Spider the other day, and I loved it, so when I was offered the chance to pick up a MiniDrone Jumping Sumo, I decided I was up for it, even though it's not technically a flying drone.
Structure, Design, and Guts

The drone itself has a funky look that reminds me of some kind of large bug crossed with a muscle car. It's strange, but it works. The wheels are large and made of rubber.
OK, a bit more about the camera. It's capable of shooting video and streaming it on the fly, which I like, and it's the typical wide angle that we've come to expect from most cameras attached to drones. The resolution is rather low at 640 x 489, but considering that this resolution is greater than that on regular SD TV, and we enjoyed that for years before digital came along, it's not that bad. If you're looking for built in HD coverage of the car chase you're hovering above, however, you'll want to look toward the larger AR Drone or the Phantom FC40, Phantom 2 Vision, or Phantom 2 Vision+, which is my favorite of the three. Yes, I have all three. Maybe my wife is right when she calls it an addiction.
What's It Like to Use It?

You also get a live video feed through the MiniDrone Jumping Sumo's camera, which provides a squirrel's eye view of the world as you're moving around with the drone. I'll be honest; when you're not jumping, the effect of controlling it is rather similar to that of using a radio-controlled car. However, there aren't any R/C cars that can jump like this.
The battery life isn't the best on the drone, and it's a good idea to buy some extras. However, it's a lot better than it is on many other drones I've used, especially the MiniDrone Rolling Spider. I'd estimate you'd get somewhere around 20 minutes, which is more than enough for a good amount of jumps.
To be honest, the biggest downside to the drone for me is simply that you can't use it to fly. However, my kids don't mind that when using it, and my son astutely pointed out that this meant the drone was much harder to lose in a tree. I had to admit he was right.
Should I Buy It?
In short, yes, as long as you're okay with staying on the ground with it. It's a fun, sprightly little drone that has the potential to entertain drone pilots--err, drivers--all day long.
I readily recommend the MiniDrone Jumping Sumo. You can buy it from Amazon in white, black, and brown.
Hi! My name is Mike, and I'm the author of this personal drone blog. If you find the information on my flying drone review blog useful, you can shop through Amazon here.
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